Find the most ethical and environmentally friendly beans and pulses. This shopping guide rates 18 brands of dried and cooked beans and pulses, and looks at recommended brands and brands to avoid.
Find ethical brands of binoculars and sport optics, with our unique and independent ethical and environmental ratings.
This shopping guide rates 32 brands of binoculars, and looks at which have links with hunting and the military.
Find ethical alternatives to supermarkets, with guide to 15 brands of eco alternatives for buying food and household goods.
In this guide we rate 15 brands of alternatives to supermarkets. Many of these eco retailers are doing things differently so if you don't have a local independent wholefood shop, these shops may match your requirements.
Many brands claim to make sustainable lingerie. This guide will help you find truly sustainable and ethical underwear.
In the guide, we investigate, score, and rank the ethical and environmental records of 41 underwear brands that make adult bras, knickers, and pants.
Ethical, sustainable and fair trade chocolate is the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. We rate 84 brands of chocolate, and give our recommendations and highlight ones to avoid.
The chocolate industry has an unpleasant side, including child labour, poverty wages, and links with deforestation through use of palm oil.
Finding ethical vitamins and supplements. Ethical and environmental ratings for 23 brands, with recommended buys and brands to avoid.
In this guide we explore the issues around vitamins, minerals and supplements and compare the major brand names with smaller companies to find the most ethical.
Finding an ethical and sustainable travel booking company. Ratings for 29 travel companies, with recommendations, best buys, and what to avoid.
The reduction in flying during the global pandemic led to a rise in interest in 'slow holidays' and more local vacations. This guide gives you all the options for sustainable holidays.
Find ethical and environmental outdoor clothing and sports shops. This guide ranks 11 outdoor and sports clothing and equipment retailers.
Whether you are an avid mountain climber or like a stroll in the park, buying outdoor clothing and equipment is necessary with the British weather.
Ethical and sustainability ratings for some of the most popular investment platforms for Stocks & Shares ISAs, with who to avoid and recommended buys.
Where you invest your money can have significant ethical and environmental impacts. The activities of the funds invested in can affect how ethical your investment is. The good news is our…
Rating 41 brands of outdoor clothing and gear for their ethics and sustainability. We look at the environmental impact of synthetic materials and toxic chemicals, animal rights and workers' rights.
Finding ethical and environmental eggs and vegan egg alternatives. Ratings for 36 brands of eggs and egg alternatives on welfare, climate and other sustainability issues.
Is it ethical to eat eggs? We investigate the differences between cage, barn, free range, organic and biodynamic eggs.
Find an ethical delivery company for parcels and restaurants/takeaways, with ratings for 9 parcel/courier companies and 3 food/restaurant delivery companies.
When we are sending parcels ourselves we may have a choice of delivery provider - this guide seeks to find out if there are any ethical ones.
How to find an eco vacuum cleaner. Ratings of the ethical and environmental record of 27 brands of vacuum cleaner.
Home appliances in general are not very high scoring in our guides, but there are some more ethical and eco options available.
In this guide we investigate, score and rank the ethical and environmental record of 13 solar companies.
We also look at different types of solar thermal, different uses for the technology, and our recommended buys.
In this guide we investigate, score and rank the ethical and environmental record of 21 video conferencing companies.
We also look at the climate impact of video calls, open-source software, shine a spotlight on the ethics of Verizon and give our recommended buys.
Is vegan cheese better for the environment and more ethical? We rate and review 17 vegan cheese brands, with recommended brands and which brands to avoid.
In this guide to ethical vegan cheese we take a look at the ethics of cheese companies from major international dairy brands, to small artisan independent producers.
Finding ethical and eco-friendly t-shirts. We rank the ethical and environmental record of 25 ethical t-shirt brands.
This guide focuses on ethical companies with business policies that prioritise people, the environment and society. All the brands in the guide are recommended.
Finding eco friendly nappies. Ethical and sustainability ratings for 20 nappy brands, with recommended buys and what to avoid.
What's the most sustainable option for nappies? In this guide we rate major nappy brands like Huggies and Pampers as well as own-brands like Boots, along with small eco brands, and assess their ethical and environmental…
In this guide we investigate, score and rank the ethical and environmental record of 71 over-the-counter medicine brands, like painkillers and cough and cold remedies.
We also look at animal testing and tax avoidance, shine a spotlight on the ethics of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and give our recommended buys.
How to find sustainable period products, with ratings for 39 menstrual product brands.
Over the course of around 40 years, a woman will use a huge amount of period products. Disposables have heavy cost and environmental implications, especially as many disposables have plastic in them.