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Our People

Meet the team behind Ethical Consumer, discover their research specialisms and see what they get up to outside the office.

Photo of Simon Birch

Simon Birch


Other roles:
Ad sales, Press and PR
Research specialisms:
Sustainable travel
Photo of Anna Clayton

Anna Clayton

Writer / Researcher

Other roles:
Spring Prize, Personnel, Consultancy
Research specialisms:
Food and seed sovereignty, animal rights, regeneration
Outside interests:
Forest gardening, permaculture design, basket making, community group dynamics
Photo of Alex Crumbie

Alex Crumbie

Writer / Researcher

Other roles:
Save our Bank, Finance
Research specialisms:
Political Economy, Supply Chains
Outside interests:
Music, writing and cycling
Photo of Katalin Csatadi

Katalin Csatadi

Writer / Researcher

Outside interests:
Evolutionary parenting, nature conservation, self sustainability
Photo of Francesca de la Torre

Francesca de la Torre

Writer / Researcher

Other roles:
Spring Prize, Screenings, Personnel, Worker Director
Research specialisms:
Garment industry
Outside interests:
Walking & nature, cooking, (amateur) yoga, meditation & sustainable DIY
Photo of Ruairidh Fraser

Ruairidh Fraser

Writer / Researcher

Other roles:
Worker Director
Research specialisms:
Politics and human rights
Outside interests:
Making music, community radio, mountains and the sea
Photo of Louisa Gould

Louisa Gould

Writer / Researcher

Research specialisms:
Outside interests:
Forró, being outdoors, gender studies, growing things, community projects
Photo of Rob Harrison

Rob Harrison

Consultancy Manager

Other roles:
Chief Finance Officer, Co-editor, Worker Director
Research specialisms:
Ethical Banking and finance
Outside interests:
piano, fell walking, woodlands
Photo of Grace Hull Boakye

Grace Hull Boakye

Partnerships Coordinator

Outside interests:
Salsa dancing, cooking, camping and music making
Photo of Tim Hunt

Tim Hunt

Digital Product Manager

Other roles:
Member Director, Communications Consultant, Former Co-editor and writer/researcher
Research specialisms:
Electronics sector,
Outside interests:
Yoga, Watching Stoke City, Playing the drums, Reading Sci-fi novels, Community activism
Photo of Ruby Mucenieks

Ruby Mucenieks

Digital Communications Officer

Outside interests:
Contemporary dance, yoga, climbing, cooking and environmental & social justice activism
Photo of Nadine Oliver

Nadine Oliver

Subscriptions and Office Administrator

Other roles:
Social Media
Outside interests:
Music, photography, drawing and environmental and social justice activism
Photo of Jasmine Owens

Jasmine Owens

Writer / Researcher

Research specialisms:
Boycotts, Animal Rights
Outside interests:
Languages, grassroots activism, gender studies, queer nights
Photo of Sorcha Perris

Sorcha Perris

Writer / Researcher

Outside interests:
Climbing, cooking, community groups, activism
Photo of Ruth Strange

Ruth Strange

Writer / Researcher

Other roles:
Personnel, Magazine Production, Co-editor
Outside interests:
DIY culture
Photo of Jane Turner

Jane Turner

Writer / Researcher

Other roles:
Worker Director / Magazine production / Co-editor / Marketing
Research specialisms:
Electrical sector, IT and computing, animal rights
Outside interests:
Swimming, walking, comedy, reading Private Eye.
Photo of Alyson Tyler

Alyson Tyler

Web editor

Other roles:
Social media & comms, worker director
Outside interests:
Teaching yoga, leisure runs and cycle rides, nature, good vegan food (making and eating)