Background to Ethical Consumer
Ethical Consumer Research Association (ECRA) is the UK’s longest running alternative consumer organisation. It was founded in Manchester in 1988 as a not-for-profit workers’ co-operative to provide ‘information on the companies behind the brand names’ and to promote the ethical use of consumer power.
The organisation became a multi-stakeholder co-operative with both worker members and investor members in 2009. Both classes of member are involved in decision-making and the election of Directors onto the Board.
ECRA’s portfolio of products and services are designed to encourage purchasers to take environmental and social issues into account in the market place. They include:
- Ethical Consumer – a bi-monthly magazine
- Our website with over 100 ethical shopping guides
- Our research website with research-focused articles and a corporate research database, and ethical company screening services
- Consultancy research services for NGOs and selected companies